Announcement about the update of Realistic Graphics Mod

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I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the Realistic Graphics Mod’s update, and it’s time for a clarification. You are completely right to ask about the status of the update. But since I haven’t said anything about the update for so long, I think many of you have already given up hope on it. I’m sorry to give you hope by promising to update it, I promised you because I was planning to update it, but things didn’t go as expected.

First, I used to do modding as a job and I was making a profit out of it. However, I have been working for a company for about 8 months as a Frontend Developer, which is my main job and therefore my priorities have changed, modding is no longer my job, it’s my hobby. Because of this, I don’t have much time to spend on modding.

Second, my main purpose in creating the Realistic Graphics Mod was to make the game realistic. Before the update 1.40, Realistic Graphics Mod was making the game more realistic by improving the graphics of the game noticeably. But since the game has become realistic after the 1.40 update, there is not much left for the mod to improve. If I had only changed the sky textures and released the update, it wouldn’t have met your expectations.

Lastly, I’m not completely abandoning the mod, I still have the completed part of the update. I’ll work on it when I have time, but I don’t want you to wait for the update, maybe I can finish it, maybe not at all.

I will also continue to update my other mods that take less time to update.

Thank you for your time. Stay safe and keep healthy.



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