Announcement About Our Scania and Volvo Truck Mods

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Yesterday, we received a message from SCS Software that mods of this nature (ETS2 trucks in ATS and vice versa) will no longer be allowed due to licensing reasons.

We had already suspended our Scania Trucks and Volvo FH16 Trucks mods a while ago as we prioritized the development of the Realistic Graphics Mod. But now we have officially canceled both mod projects.

Scania Trucks and Volvo FH16 Trucks mods will no longer be available for download from Friday, September 24th.

Users who use these mods and want to remove them without damaging their current saved game profile can follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the game with the mod enabled on your profile.
  2. Sell all Scania or Volvo trucks you have purchased.
  3. Go back to the Profiles screen (Here the game will be saved automatically)
  4. Disable the mod via Mod Manager with your current profile selected.
  5. If you have subscribed to the mod from the Steam Workshop, unsubscribe.
    If you installed the mod manually, delete the .scs file of the mod from the Documents / American Truck Simulator / mods folder.

Many thanks to everyone who has used and contributed to these mods.
And a special thanks to SCS Software for allowing us to develop these mods from 2016 until today.

A minor correction: This ban by SCS only applies to Steam Workshop and SCS forum. It is entirely my decision to remove mods from this site as well. I explained the reason for this here.



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